The Transcript Evaluation Process
After you submit your official transcripts, your application for the bachelor's degree program will be reviewed carefully to confirm you meet the general education course requirements listed below.
Please note that we can only accept transcripts from accredited institutions. If you have any questions, reach out to
The evaluation process will begin as soon as we receive your official transcripts. You can view the outcome on your application portal status page once a decision has been made.
Credits Required from Outside
To earn a bachelor’s degree from, you need to bring 70 transferrable college credits from any other accredited institution(s) into the program. Of these, 31 credits must fulfill Maryland's general education requirements (detailed below), and 39 can be any other accredited courses.
General Education Requirements (31 credits)
- Arts & Humanities, e.g., Art, Music, Theatre, Literature, Philosophy, History (3 credits)
- English Composition. e.g., Literature, Writing, Language Arts (3 credits)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences, e.g., Economics, Government, Psychology, Sociology (3 credits)
- Math, e.g., Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics (3 credits)
- Biological & Physical Sciences, e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Astronomy (3 credits)
- Choose any combination of General Education courses from the categories above to meet the additional 16-credit requirement (16 credits)
Other Transfer Credits (39 credits)
In addition to the 31 required general education credits outlined above, students need to bring 39 more credits from any accredited courses into the bachelor’s degree program. These can include general or non-general education classes, such as computer science or physical education.
Fully Confirmed and Provisional Admission
Admitted students will be informed if their admission is provisional or fully confirmed.
- A fully confirmed admission indicates that you have met at least 60 out of the 70 prerequisite credits necessary to begin the program.
- A provisional admission means you have less than 60 of the required 70 prerequisite credits needed to begin the program. If you are admitted provisionally, you have two years to complete the remaining credits before starting your coursework at the SANS Technology Institute.
Please refer to your application portal for your admission offer letter and for specific details regarding your credit evaluation.
Full Admits with Missing Credits
Receiving full admission means you can begin your studies with us, but it doesn't confirm that all 70 prerequisite credits are fulfilled. You'll be required to complete any outstanding credits prior to graduation.
You have several options for completing these credits:
- Defer your start date and complete credits before beginning your program
- Earn credits alongside your courses or during breaks between courses
- Finish remaining credits just before your graduation date
To create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and ensure the courses you choose meet our program requirements, please consult with your student advisor and resources on this webpage.
Need more credits? Consider the Applied Cybersecurity Certificate (ACS) Program
If you were admitted to our Bachelor’s Degree program but need more prerequisite credits to start the program, consider joining the Undergraduate Applied Cybersecurity Certificate (ACS) program first.
- The ACS program requires just 48 accredited college credits in any subject to begin, enabling you to get started on your courses while you complete your BACS prerequiste requirements.
- The ACS program includes four courses and four GIAC certifications that would transfer directly into the Bachelor’s Degree program.
For more information, reach out to the Admissions team at
Want to Appeal Your Evaluation?
If you believe that your transcript evaluation is incomplete or contains errors, you may file an appeal. Be sure to review your evaluation carefully to confirm all relevant coursework is accurately represented. To file an appeal, use this appeal form.
- You will need to provide a course name, description and syllabus or the equivalent. Each course should be submitted on a separate form.
- The appeal process may take time, so we encourage you to submit your appeal as soon as possible. For additional support, reach out to our transcript team at
Join an Online Info Session for Undergraduate Cybersecurity Programs
Learn more about undergraduate cybersecurity programs for students of all ages at a free online info session.
- Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate (CSF): Build the foundational skills and tools you’ll need for advanced studies in cybersecurity.
- Applied Cybersecurity Certificate (ACS): ACS graduates have an average starting salary of $104K.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Cybersecurity (BACS): BACS graduates have an average starting salary of $110K.
- Career Support: Learn about resources for job search success available to ACS and BACS students through our Career Center.
Bring your questions. Some info sessions are encore presentations of recent events, but Admissions representatives will always be available to answer your questions live.
Tuesday, April 8 at 1 pm (ET)
Frequently Asked Questions
If I already have a bachelor’s degree, do I need an evaluation of prerequisite credits?
If you have already earned a bachelor's degree, you likely have all the necessary credits to begin our program.
However, we require official transcripts from your previous institution(s) to verify your degree and credits. Please submit these transcripts to our admissions office as soon as possible.
Can I appeal my transcript evaluation?
Yes, if you feel there is an issue with your evaluation you may submit an appeal for each individual course you would like reconsidered. Please click here to complete your appeal form.
Where does SANS accept credits from?
We can only accept transcripts from accredited colleges and universities. If you have taken courses at a non-accredited institution, you need to first have those credits accepted by another accredited school before they can be considered for our program.
Once you have transferred any unaccredited courses to an accredited institution and we receive the corresponding transcript, we will evaluate the credits for potential transfer to our program.
If my school considers one of my courses to be a general education class, will SANS as well?
If your former institution has designated a course within a particular general education category, we will most likely accept that classification. However, if the course does not appear as a specific general education category on your official evaluation, please complete an appeal form.
Can you provide me with an evaluation before I submit my official transcripts?
While cannot offer an unofficial complete evaluation of your transcript, our admissions team is available to discuss your educational background at any time. To assist you in determining your eligibility for the program, we've created a table (below) you can use to outline your existing credits and identify any additional credits you may need to earn.
What if my credits were completed in a program that uses a quarter, rather than semester, system?
Credits transferred to from a quarter system are converted into semester credits and will be reflected in your transcript evaluation. For instance, 5 credits in a quarter system would equate to approximately 3.33 semester credits.
How does SANS count credit hours from other programs?
A credit hour is a unit of measurement for the amount of effort an average student is expected to invest to meet specific learning outcomes within a designated period. In general, unless stated differently on the transcript being evaluated, credit hours are considered to be approximately 1 credit for each 45 instructional hours.
If my transcripts are international or completed at a college outside the U.S., do they need to be evaluated?
Yes, all coursework taken at a college outside the United States needs to be evaluated for U.S. equivalency before can evaluate it. All the information on this process is on our International Student site.
Self-Assessment of Your General Education Credits
While we'll conduct a formal evaluation of your official transcripts, this document can help you determine if you have enough general education credits and other transfer credits to begin our program.
This is a self-assessment for your reference only, and you are not required to complete or submit it. After we receive your official transcripts, our admissions team will conduct a formal evaluation which will be included with your admissions decision.
Self-Assessment of Your General Education Credits
SANS Pre. Req. Course Category | Example Course Titles | Required Credits |
Arts & Humanities |
| 3 |
English |
| 3 |
Math |
| 3 |
Physical/Natural Science |
| 3 |
Social & Behavioral Science |
| 3 |
Other General Education (any of the above categories) | 16 | |
Other Transfer Credits (any other courses, general education or otherwise) |
| 39 |