Unlock Your Cybersecurity Career Potential with the SANS.edu Career Center
The SANS.edu Career Center empowers upper division undergraduate students in our Applied Cybersecurity Certificate and cybersecurity bachelor’s degree programs to leverage their SANS experience, GIAC certifications, and total skillsets to launch or advance their cybersecurity career.
Every student is paired with a dedicated Career Specialist, providing personalized support at every stage of your career journey. Cybersecurity is our only focus — and your career success is a key measure of our success.
Numbers at a Glance
We know the employment status of 99% of our upper division undergraduates — and the data you see here is sourced directly from student survey responses and pertains specifically to employment in cybersecurity roles.
Cybersecurity Career Services for Life
Take Your Next Step
Need more information? We’re happy to answer your questions. Join us for an info session, email info@sans.edu or call 301.241.7665.
Ready to apply? We look forward to learning about you and your cybersecurity career goals.
Connecting You to Employers
Success Stories
Our Grads Get Hired
Job Titles Earned
SOC Analyst |
Cyber Threat Intel Associate |
Information Security Analyst |
Security Engineer |
Security Consultant |
Cyber Software Engineer |
Penetration Tester |
Detection & Response Analyst |
Incident Handler |
Cyber Risk Consultant |
Intrusion Analyst |
Cybersecurity Specialist |
InfoSec Specialist |
Security Administrator |
Forensics Examiner |
Vulnerability Management Engineer |
Incident Response Team |
Frequently Asked Questions
Which academic programs provide access to the Career Center?
The SANS.edu Career Center works with upper division undergraduate students in our Applied Cybersecurity Certificate and cybersecurity bachelor’s degree programs. Although the Career Center does not work with students in our 3-course Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate program, graduates of that program are primed to transition into our upper division undergraduate programs and gain access to the Career Center.
When do students gain access to the SANS.edu Career Center?
For most students, taking SANS courses and preparing for GIAC certification exams is a new experience that requires a high level of commitment. To ensure you can smoothly transition into a rigorous new academic environment, we offer you access to the Career Center after you have acclimated to your initial courses and begun the SANS course SEC401: Security Essentials - Network, Endpoint, and Cloud, which with the GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) certification exam compose the courses ACS 3401 and BACS 3401 in our Applied Cybersecurity Certificate and bachelor degree programs.
What services does the Career Center provide?
Each student is assigned their own Career Specialist, an expert in the cybersecurity job search process, who can provide personalized resume review, job search consultations, interview preparation, and support in negotiating offers.
Does the Career Center provide postings of available jobs?
Yes, the Career Center collaborates with a network of companies actively seeking to hire our graduates for their open cybersecurity positions. We offer a student-exclusive jobs board integrated into the Internet Storm Center to showcase opportunities from our employer partners.
Are the career stats of your upper division undergraduates real? How are they calculated?
We understand that our job placement and starting salary numbers may seem too good to be true, but they are real. Our data not only complies with NACE standards for colleges reporting, but goes further. While many institutions are only aware of the employment status of approximately 60% of their graduates, we maintain information on the employment status of 100% of our undergraduates. The data we present is sourced directly from student survey responses and pertains specifically to employment in cybersecurity roles. The average starting salaries you see on our website are updated every spring and fall based on the most recent 2 years of data.