Success Stories

Danil Karandin

Danil Karandin

Graduate Certificate in Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking
Master of Science in Information Security Engineering

Danil Karandin's journey from Western Siberia to the U.S. Army to his role as Lead Purple Team Engineer at Gartner, Inc., began with a childhood distinguished by extraordinary creativity and ingenuity. Danil was captivated by the challenge of taking apart objects, only to transform and repurpose them beyond their original functions. In his teenage years, Danil's passion for technology led him to a specialized technical school. There, he seamlessly integrated his academic pursuits with his innate curiosity, which opened the door to a diverse array of part-time after-school jobs working with computers.

Upon his arrival in the United States from his home in Western Siberia, Danil Karandin found the information security job market to be impenetrable. Undeterred, he enlisted in the United States Army, where he dedicated four years to serving with the esteemed 82nd Airborne Division. Despite demanding service, he continued a disciplined course of self-study in cyber security and earned a bachelor's degree in information security.

Danil, a 2020 awardee of the SANS Technology Institute Graduate Certificate in Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking, has further augmented his expertise with a Master of Science in Information Security Engineering in 2023. In this conversation, he shares his journey, providing valuable insights and guidance for those considering a similar educational path in the field of cybersecurity.

"My certifications and degrees from the SANS Technology Institute have had a profound impact on my career trajectory, opening up a wealth of opportunities that would have been challenging to access otherwise."

Q. How did you get interested in cybersecurity?

A. Approximately two decades ago in Russia, my career start was focused on system administration and IT consulting. At that time, the field of security jobs was quite limited, particularly in Siberia. Regardless, I consistently approached my work with a strong emphasis on information security.

Q. What is your current position? What does that entail?

A. I am the Lead Purple Team Engineer at Gartner, Inc., a premier global technology research and consulting firm based in Stamford, Connecticut. Originally, I spearheaded the development and advancement of our purple team program from its inception. Today, my role encompasses conducting adversary emulation exercises, continuous security validation, performing proactive penetration testing, and uncovering strategic security risks. Additionally, I provide Incident Management assistance to the SOC. To me this is not just a job. Information security is really more of a passion for me.

Q. What do you like most about cybersecurity?

A. In the dynamic world of security, the pursuit of knowledge is perpetual. There's an ever-evolving array of novel and intriguing concepts to discover. The journey of learning and growth in any facet of information security is unending and continually rewarding. I particularly like working on the strategic and offensive sides of information security.

Q. Prior to attending the SANS Technology Institute, what was your educational background?

A. I began my undergraduate studies in Russia. Later, while serving in the Army, I seized the opportunity to further my education by enrolling in evening classes at Campbell University. It was through this commitment that I achieved my bachelor's degree in IT Security. Alongside my formal education, I was equally devoted to continuous self-education, dedicating considerable time to independent research and study.

Q. How did you hear about SANS Technology Institute?

A. I was familiar with because of their affiliation with the GIAC certification entity - which is an industry gold standard. Everyone knows about GIAC.

Q. Why did you choose to enroll in SANS Technology Institute graduate programs?

A. Initially, I had reservations about pursuing further conventional education. I knew I wanted something more focused and flexible at the same time. Learning about the program structure and all its benefits solidified my decision to continue my academic journey.

Q. From your research how did SANS differ from other programs of its kind?

A. Traditionally, conventional education tends to emphasize theoretical knowledge over practical skills, often leading to a curriculum filled with courses that may not translate directly to professional competencies. I sought to avoid entering an educational system that lacked real-world applicability. And stands out by offering an education steeped in practicality, delivering tangible value through immediately applicable knowledge and top-tier industry certifications. This dual benefit is what sets SANS apart, allowing students to simultaneously gain expertise and credentials, effectively addressing two major career objectives in one comprehensive approach.

Q. What did you find most valuable about the programs?

A. The caliber of's educational content is unmatched. The instructional videos, textbooks, supplementary materials, and software are of exceptional quality. The on-demand course structure offered the essential flexibility I needed. Moreover, the instructors are not just experts in their fields but also accessible and responsive, ready to answer questions, offer deeper understanding, and ensure an authoritative learning experience. This combination of profound knowledge and superior quality consistently exceeded my expectations.

Q. Did you take classes online or at live events? How was that experience?

A. Enrolling in online classes was a fantastic experience for me. The convenience and comfort it provided were unparalleled, especially considering my family commitments and work responsibilities. The flexibility of accessing the coursework on demand was a significant advantage that I greatly appreciated.

Q. How has your certifications and degree impacted your career trajectory?

A. My certifications and degrees from the SANS Technology Institute have had a profound impact on my career trajectory, opening up a wealth of opportunities that would have been challenging to access otherwise. Moreover, I've found that, regardless of one's experience, some companies may require specific certifications. Additionally, education enabled me to expand my expertise into domains that are not part of my regular work routine.

Q. How did you fund your education?

A. The GI Bill generously financed the majority of my educational expenses. During my tenure at Walmart, they sponsored the tuition for one of my courses as well as a certification. Gartner provided similar support, contributing to my academic and professional development.

Q. What advice would you offer someone considering applying to the SANS Technology Institute?

A. If you're presented with the chance to enroll at, I urge you to seize it without a moment's delay. Discover the learning method that resonates with you the most and tailor your educational journey to fit that style. Avoid procrastination at all costs, particularly with on-demand courses. Stay diligent, and you'll find enormous success.

Q. What's next for you?

A. My next goal is to transition into a formal leadership position within the field of information security. I want to bridge the gap between engineering and leadership. I believe that while there is an abundance of talented engineers globally, the industry needs more visionary leaders. We need leaders who not only recognize but can also amplify the significance of the engineers' contributions and innovative solutions. Leaders who can strategically translate security risks into business risks and drive positive change and risk reduction.


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The SANS Technology Institute offers career-focused master’s degree, graduate certificate, bachelor’s degree and undergraduate certificate programs on the cutting edge of cybersecurity.

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